Sunday, April 3, 2011


Last week we discussed in class the idea that what is most attracted by the people or society, is generally what is most popular. Also,what is seen as the most popular is also seen as the best.  Take music for example, Pop music or Popular music is seen as the best because the majority of the population enjoys and likes it, however some people may find some independent band to be the best even though the rest of the population does not. Therefore, something (in this case art) is popular because of the demand of it and because of the demand of it, it is popular. So who is right? What actually is the most popular? Well, everyones taste is right, unless everyones taste is wrong. Confusing? It is! The only actually judgement that can be made is that the right answer, or what is popular, is in the eye of the educated beholder, or the most knowledgeable person about the subject matter (in this case art).

Therefore, a question I pose is if someone is actually wrong and they are the educated beholder, then who is right?

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