Thursday, April 28, 2011


This week in class we discussed the idea that art can communicate to people. As mentioned, art has the ability to communicate emotions, feelings, and ideas to people or groups of people. To look at this from another angle, one can see that diaologue is vital in this expression. Diaologue makes something complete by conveying what the artist was feeling or felt to the people or the audience through their work of art. This is a very special ability because any other type of profession where you create something does not have the ability to communicate directly with its audience. The artist can tell there deepest darkest fear to their most craziest dream through their work of art. This is important because some think that art being able to create ideas for the people viewing it creates diaologue between it and the audience because it causes them to think. No, monologue+monologue does not equal a diaologue.

Therefore, a question that I pose is can art be an expression of ideas without being able to communicate to the audience?

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