Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Today in class we discussed another idea presented by the great Freud. This topic of discussion was around the idea of the unconscious and the conscious. Freud presented information focusing on these two different things that went against the common belief of the time. Up until Freud, people and philosophers alike thought that the mind was an easily accessed entity. Freud established the idea that mind is not what we thought as unlimited and open to easy interpretation. He saw the mind as a closed chamber in which allot of what is in it cannot be interpreted easily and is not open for easy access. He saw the mind as more of an ice berg. 90% of the ice berg is under the surface of the water, not seen by anyone. However, it is mentioned that when a boat is floating on the water near the ice berg, the person can see part of the ice berg under the water. This is represented by Freud as the pre-conscious. The part of the mind that can be pulled somewhat easier out of the unconscious.

Therefore with all this information presented, a question arises. If 90% of the ice berg in under the water can one argue that about 90% or just a large part of the unconscious mind is completely unknown?

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