Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Dreaming

Today in class we discussed the idea of day dreaming presented by Freud. According to Freud day dreaming allows one to tap into their subconscious and create art work from their inner most thoughts usually from that of their deepest wishes of their childhood. According to Freud, day dreaming happens over a period of time within a time line consisting of only a few seconds of a given moment of time in ones life. The timeline takes place over the past, present, and the future. First, something in the present triggers one to go into the day dreaming state. From their something is aroused from the past in a sense of deja vu. This even that has been aroused is usually something that was desired during that time period (a wish). From there the day dream affects the person because they strive to achieve what they wanted or wished for back in their childhood. That wish then serves as the source of inspiration for artwork.

Now from this information a question arises. If day dreaming inspires art, what does actually dreaming do?

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